























Page for CHD holders(CHDホルダー専用ページ)

On the holder page, you can see "the words that are with you today" and the words provide "an environment that protects and surrounds you". It is also possible to easily divine today's fortune. ホルダーページでは、「今日のあなたに寄り添う言葉」を確認できて、言葉によって「自分を守り、包んでくれる環境」が提供されます。また今日の運勢を簡単に占う事も可能です。

  • Page for CHD holders(CHDホルダー専用ページ)

    When you are happy, sad, or lonely, CHD wants to be there for you in your various times of need and be your "power" to protect you. Choose your "feeling" for the day. You may choose to divine your day. May good "power" be with you. Please press the WALLET CONNECT button below.うれしい時、悲しい時、寂しい時、CHDはあなたの色々な時に寄り添い、あなたの御守りになる「力」になりたいと思っています。その日の「気持ち」を選んでください。一日を占うのも良いでしょう。よい「力」があなたと共にありますように。下のWALLET CONNECTボタンを押してください。

🎎🎎We've started a new whitelist project🎎🎎


   Crypto Hina Dolls

This is an NFT art, an evolution of the Japanese Hina Doll.

It is a "good luck charm" to protect you and your loved ones, and can be the perfect "gift".

Since these dolls are originally made for women, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to organizations that promote the advancement of women.( (※The Malala fund is Planned)



また本来、女性のために作られた雛人形なので、売上の一部は女性活躍推進を進める団体に寄付されます。(※malala fund を予定)

Hina Dolls History

The history and significance of "Hinamatsuri" and "Hina Dolls," which you may or may not know, and why they are called "good luck charms" are explained. The history and meaning of Hinamatsuri and Hina dolls, and why they are called "good luck charms" will be explained.  


  • Unicornひなながし
    ★【Heian Period】★    Originally, it was believed that if a girl's body was traced with a doll made of straw, the doll would catch any "disgrace" or "misfortune". It is also said that during the Heian period (794-1185), there was a culture among aristocratic girls to play with dolls made of paper.       ▶もともとは、藁で作った人形で女の子の体をなぞると、「けがれ」や「わざわい」をその人形が受け止めると信じられていました。また平安時代には貴族の女児たちの間で紙で作った人形で遊ぶ文化があったと言われています。
  • Yuniko nn 豊歳五節句遊 桃の節句
    ★【Edo period (1603-1867)】 Elaborate dolls were being made and displayed on the Peach Festival (March 3), a calendar based on the Yin-Yang and Five Elements philosophies. Hina" means small and cute like a bird's chick.          ▶江戸時代、精巧な人形が作られ、陰陽五行思想に基づいて桃の節句(3月3日)に飾られることが定着してきました。「ひな」とは小さくて可愛らしい鳥の雛から来ています。(画像出典:国会図書館ウェブサイト)
  • Hinamatsuri free04
    ★【In modern times】★    Various types of dolls and items of congratulations are placed on top of each other using a stair stage steps and are displayed to wish for the health and happiness of the daughter. All of the tools have a reason for being placed there and are also prayed for as a good-luck charm to "protect your precious girl.       ▶現代においては、階段型のステージを用いて様々な種類の人形と、おめでたいアイテムを乗せて、娘の健康と幸せを願って飾ります。全ての道具にはそこに置く理由があり、「大切な女の子を護りたい」という御守りとしての祈りも込められています。

Sacred Beasts

Enter your date of birth in the entry form and you will see a collection with your Sacred Beasts in the background.

After entering the information, you will be redirected to a page with a collection of sacred beasts, which are derived from the date of birth. Please choose the one you like.

The spirit animal is calculated based on the Yin-Yang and Five Elements philosophy according to the date of birth. If you would like to choose a different sacred animal, please try a different birth date pattern.






 Your Gurdian Sacred Beasts   あなたの守護霊獣

The Five Sacred Beasts

The Five Sacred Beasts represent the five gods:    the Blue Dragon, Phoenix, White Tiger, Xuanwu, and Soaring Snake.



Blue Dragon

Girls hina doll ###

background is on the Blue Dragon

Boys hina doll ###

background is on the Phoenix

Girls hina doll ###

background is on the Tiger

Girls hina doll ###

background is on the Xuanwu
Soaring Snake

Girls hina doll ###

background is on the soaring Soaring Snake

Boys hina doll ###

background is on the IKKAKU-JU


  • 1

    Crypto Hina Dolls Launch

    In of 2023, we plan to launch this collection.

    Holders can play with fortune-telling content on the page dedicated to the holder.

    Collaboration with other collections

    We want to collaborate with other collecitons after launch.

  • 2

    Expand holder's contents

    Expand holder's contents

    Shrine or Temple Collaboration (Good Luck Charms) 

    We want to collaborate with Shrine or Temple.

    Collaboration with doll companies (real dolls, etc.)

    We want to collaborate with doll companies.

  • 3

    Merchandise production, including apparel and related items (e.g., jewelry in art) 

    We want to make some products and sell them on the internet.

    We want to solicit original stories.



  • テスト8

    Marketing & Research & community making 

    Parent of one son and two daughters

  • Img 5788

    Marketing &. Resrach & Community making & Story makeing

    Parent of one son and three daughters

  • テスト7

    CHD's creator


    Formerly worked for a film company

  • Img 5786
    Community manager(LA)

    Marketing & Research. & community making

  • Img 5787

    CHD Chief Engneer

    parent of one son

  • Img 5789
    Web designer

    The man behind this website

Crypto Hina Dolls and The Story

What are Crypto Hina Dolls ?

There is Hinamatsuri (Girls' Festival) which is an annual seasonal event in Japan to pray for the healthy growth of girls.It is a seasonal festival in which hina dolls (mainly male and female dolls) are decorated.

Crypto Hina Dolls is an evolution of the original Hina Dolls’s world, with a new interpretation and optimized for Web 3.0.

Crypto Hina Dolls は、本来の雛人形とその世界を進化させ、さらに新しい解釈を加え、Web3.0に最適化させたものである。



The Prince and the Princess - The Secret Story Behind Hina Dolls  

In a world where spirits and electronic technology are fused together. Under the 100 year war between the East and West, a young prince and princess from both countries meet each other.

The story is about a young prince and princess of both countries who meet and sacrifice themselves to bring peace to their people after suffering hardships.

The hidden story behind the unknown Hina Dolls begins now.

お内裏さまとお雛さま 雛人形に隠された秘密の物語






★CHD × Generative Stories

CHD is looking for a variety of stories based on dolls. Please create a story about a prince and a princess with your own sensibility and send it to us. In the future, we would like to create a community for each story and weave thousands of stories.


★CHD ×Support for Women's Activities

CHD will donate a portion of the proceeds to activities and organizations that promote the advancement of women.


Frequently Asked Questions

Built on Unicorn Platform