Part 1 [Whitelist Project on twitter] Part 2 [Hinafestival to Mint] Part 3 [Shrine to Mint] (Concurrent)
This is current normal white list project on twitter.
For the Hinafestival on March 3, do actions related to Hinafestival, take pictures, and after posting on twitter*1, report them on GoogleForm*2.
1 What we want you to put on Twitter
#Hinafestivaltomint #CHD #name of the maker of Hinadolls (If you decorate hina dolls.)
If you visit Susanoo related shrines, add the following too! #ShrinetoMint #Name of shrine
2 Reporting with GoogleForm
・twitterID ・Wallet address ・Posting URL on twitter
You can find how to reseach twittterID.
※1 Twitterに入れてほしいこと
#ひな祭りtoミント#CHD #雛人形のメーカー名(雛人形を投稿する場合のみ:わかれば)
※2 GoogleFormで報告すること
・twitterID ・ウォレットアドレス ・twitterの投稿URL
Susanoo-related shrines are on the 2 list Get!
Hinafestival on March 3 is one of the five seasonal festivals based on the Yin-Yang Five Elements and is a famous event marking the change of seasons.
Since ancient times, it has been believed that disasters occur at the turn of the seasons, and Hinadolls have been popular as a good-luck charm to ward off such misfortunes.
The ritual to exorcise the evil of Hinadolls is held at shrines during the season when peaches bloom, which are believed to have the power to exorcise demons and evil spirits. In particular, many Hinadolls are displayed during the Hina Festival season at Susanoo Shrine, which is dedicated to Susanoo-no-Mikoto, a deity with strong power to exorcise demons and evil spirits.
Let's visit such shrines to exorcise evil spirits and get a whitelist! Those who visit Susanoo related shrines will get 2 whitelist spots because of their actions related to our Hinafestival campaign !
※1 Visit the shrine, take a picture, and after posting it on twitter, report it on our Google Form.
※2 What we want you to put on Twitter
#ShrinetoMint #Name of shrine#CHD
#Hinafestivaltomint ⇦Add only for Susanoo-related shrines
※3 Reporting with GoogleForm
・twitterID ・Wallet address ・Posting URL on twitter
You can find how to reseach twittterID.
3/3の雛祭り(上巳 or 桃の節句)は、陰陽五行に基づく5つの節句のうちの一つで(他に、端午の節句5/5、七夕の節句7/7など)、有名な季節の変わり目の行事。
例えば 東京 を選択後、右上の「 祭神・仏尊から探す」を選び、「須佐之男命」を選択すると素戔嗚尊を祀ってる神社が検索できます。
※2 Twitterに入れてほしいこと
#神社toミント#Kamiyo#CHD #神社名
#ひな祭りtoミント ⇦素戔嗚関連神社の場合のみ追加
※3 GoogleFormで報告すること
・twitterID ・ウォレットアドレス・twitterの投稿URL
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